With a minimum of 10 days lead time, we complete RFPs and RFIs in the order we receive them. We may need as long as 30 days for lengthy RFPs or those containing requests for specific CPT code fee schedule amounts. RFPs containing requests for specific fee schedule or facility discount information require a confidentiality agreement. Request an RFP/RFI.
Disruption Analysis
These reports compare a list of providers currently used by an employer group to the providers in the Midlands Choice network to determine whether a change in networks will result in “disruption” of existing patient-provider relationships. To perform a disruption analysis, we need to know provider names, addresses and tax identification numbers of the group's current providers, as well as whether the analysis should include Mayo Health System Providers. Request a disruption analysis.
When requesting these analyses of accessibility of providers in the Midlands Choice network, please provide us at least five days lead time and include your preferred parameters--e.g. two hospitals within 20 miles, two primary care providers within 15 miles, two specialists within 15 miles--as well as a spreadsheet listing the zip codes for which access information is requested and the number of members living in each zip code. Request a GeoAccess report.
Savings Analysis
Includes savings percentages for inpatient, outpatient and physician services in a selected metropolitan service area, state, county, specific facility and three- or five-digit zip codes, for a specific time period. These reports generally require five days lead time. If savings analysis requires extensive ad hoc programming, we will provide a time and cost estimate before proceeding. A confidentiality agreement may be required. Request a Savings Analysis for a Potential New Group or an Existing Group.
Claims Turnaround Time (TAT)
With 2-3 days lead time, we can provide TAT quarterly or annual details by payer or group, or by geographic region. Request a TAT Report for a Potential New Group or an Existing Group.