Cigna, First Choice Health, HealthPartners, Medica, and Oscar Health
If your medical coverage is through one of these payers, please check provider participation through their website:
All Other Midlands Choice Members
Inclusion of a provider on this website does not guarantee in-network status at the time services are rendered. To confirm provider participation, we recommend calling Midlands Choice at 1-800-605-8259 just prior to receiving services.

Search for a Provider Use this tool to find a doctor, hospital, medical equipment/supplies, or other type of healthcare provider. This search will return a maximum of 200 providers closest in distance to your selected criteria. Please note that Provider Search is not fully supported when using Internet Explorer version 8 or older and may not function as expected. How to Search for a Provider

Directory Library Immediately access listings of providers in the Mayo Health System or in one of eight metropolitan areas in our network, (Des Moines, IA; Dubuque, IA; Grand Island, Hastings, and Kearney, NE; Lincoln, NE; Omaha, NE; Quad Cities, IL and IA; Sioux City, IA; or Sioux Falls, SD) from the Directory Library.

Nominate a Provider If you can't find the provider you're looking for in our network, complete and submit a provider nomination form.
Online 24/7 Medical Clinic
virtuwell, an online medical clinic, is available for members living, working or traveling in Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Michigan, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arizona, and Connecticut. Due to state regulations, this service is not available for individuals living, working or traveling in Nebraska. Please note: Contact your insurance company to see if the use of an online medical clinic is a covered benefit under your plan.