By registering for a secure web account on MidlandsChoice.com, provider office staff can gain access to online tools that assist with submitting and tracking claims. Once a year, Midlands Choice conducts an audit to ensure that the individuals who currently have access to the secure data on the website should continue to have access.
During the audit process, a Website Access Audit Form is emailed to the person identified as the “authorizing contact” for each organization along with a spreadsheet listing all of the currently authorized users at the organization. The authorizing contact must return the signed audit form and the completed spreadsheet indicating if the users still require access and if so, which access level is appropriate for each user.
If the completed audit form and spreadsheet are not returned within 10 business days of the email sent date, all users who are listed as having authorized access to the organization’s secure information will lose access to the secure features on the website. For assistance, email
mcwebsecurity@midlandschoice.com or call 800-605-8259.